THENKAI POORANAM KOZHUKATTAI – Coconut Stuffed Kozhukattai

THENKAI POORANAM KOZHUKATTAI – Coconut Stuffed Kozhukattai

Kozhukattai is a famous South Indian dumpling made using rice flour as a main ingredient. It can be prepared in sweet and savoury flavours. These dumplings are often prepared during Vinayagar Chathurthi festival as an offering to Lord Ganesha. Today I am sharing a sweet stuffing made with coconut and sugar which is then covered with rice flour. Soon I will share different kinds of stuffing using lentils.

You may also like other festival recipes Pasi Paruppu Payasam, Arisi Payasam, Suyyam, Basundhi, Somas.



  • Snack, festival sweet.

AUTHOR : Dimple                           CUISINE : South Indian
COURSE : Snack                               YIELD : 10-12 kozhukattai


For Outer Covering :

  • Rice flour – 1 cup (Pacharisi mavu)
  • Salt – as needed
  • Sesame oil – 1 Tbsp + 1 Tbsp
  • Water – as needed

For Stuffing :

  • Coconut – 1 cup grated / shredded
  • Cashew nuts – 5-7
  • Sugar – 3-4 Tbsp
  • Cardamom powder – 1/4 Tsp
  • Ghee – 1/2 Tbsp


  1. Break cashew nuts into small pieces.


For Stuffing :

  1. Melt Ghee in a pan. Roast cashew nuts.
  2. Add grated coconut and roast until you get good aroma. (2-3 min) Do not let it burn or become dark brown in colour. Coconut should have some moisture.
  3. Turn off the heat and transfer to a bowl.
  4. Add sugar and cardamom powder. Give it a good mix.
  5. Let it cool down. Stuffing is ready.

For Outer Covering :

  1. Take rice flour in a mixing bowl.
  2. Heat 1 cup water over medium heat. Add little salt and a Tbsp of sesame oil to boiling water.
  3. Pour this boiling water to the rice flour and mix with a spoon or back of a ladle. Pour 3/4 of the water first. Combine with flour. Add rest of the water if needed. According to the quality of flour water requirement will differ.
  4. Let it cool down a little bit.
  5. Apply sesame oil on your palm and knead the dough when it is warm. Sprinkle hot water if needed. The dough should be in medium consistency. Neither hard nor soft.

Making Kozhukattai :

  1. Apply sesame oil on both palm.
  2. Make small sized balls out of the dough. Cover the dough/balls with wet cloth all the time. Else it will become dry easily.
  3. Flatten it using fingers. Circle shape. (See pictures below)
  4. Fill with coconut stuffing on one half of the circle.
  5. Cover from other side and gently press the ends.
  6. Repeat with all dough. You can make different shape as you prefer. You can also use dumpling mould.
  7. Boil water for steaming. Grease the steaming plate with sesame oil and arrange these dumplings. Steam this for 10-12 min.


  • Prepare stuffing first. Then make the rice flour dough.
  • You can adjust the stuffing according to your taste.

Do try this recipe at home and let me know how it turned out for you. Share your comments down below in the comment section.

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Step by Step Procedure with pictures :

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27 thoughts on “THENKAI POORANAM KOZHUKATTAI – Coconut Stuffed Kozhukattai

  1. Perfectly timed article.. With Vinayagat Chaturthi (Ganesh Chaturthi) coming in just 15 days.. This was very much needed!! Two main difference… we use jaggery and we make it in the traditional shape..!! But I love your idea as well..!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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